County Elections Soon

Upcoming County Elections!!

It seems there is no posting or discussion lately. Nothing to talk about or is it that nobody has anything to say?
With county elections looming in a few weeks it might be good to get some dialog started on the candidates,
who they are, what they are promising and if they are worthy of our votes. At least those where there is a choice.

County Auditor:

Dawn Sattler (D) (incumbent)
Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett (I)

What choice is there here? Dawn has been in office for awhile, long enough to screw things up majorly. Roberts county
was audited several times and the Auditor's office was found lacking every single time. This past audit not only cost the county $50,000
but it was found that a very large sum of county money is missing and the Auditor has not been filing reports, has no idea what her
duties are and obviously is not remoresful over her lack of fulfilling what she is getting paid for.

Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett on the other hand, is a successful business person with good credentials and a good education
who is willing (and clearly able) to take on the auditor position and get things straightened out. She is the one who is
dependable and trustworthy to be handling our tax dollars, not someone who "misplaces money" or fails to file timely reports.

This blog endorses Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett for Roberts County Auditor.

County Commission #1:

Floyd DeCoteau (R)
John Tchida (R)

Both of these are unknowns and even though their positions have been published in the Courier, they are so vague that
one cannot be chosen over the other. It seems to be DeCoteau in the lead slightly.

This blog endorses Floyd DeCoteau for Commissioner #1

County Commission #3:

William Utne (R)
James Crawford (D)
Don Carlson (I)

Mr. Utne didn't fill out a questionnaire. Don Carlson has been interested enough to attend most of the CC meetings since filing for office,
which says a lot. Both Carlson and Crawford gave some good answers in their questionnaires, but were vague on the issues so this one is
a toss-up.

This blog does not endorse any of the 3 candidates for Commissioner #3

County Commission #5:

Eugene Paulson (I)
Chad Ward (D)
Roger Navratil (I) (incumbent)

Mr. Paulson has some very good points in his questionnaire and from flyers found around the county he addresses most of the major issues
thoroughly and has well-laid plans to solve them. He utilizes common sense and everyone knows the current CC does not.

Mr. Ward seems to have dropped off the public route here. No questionnaire filled out so cannot make an assessment on him at this time.

Mr. Navratil is an incumbent and he has shown everyone that he is an extremely poor choice for any elected position. He has no common sense,
no problem-solving skills, little intelligence...but lots of arrogance and mouth. He is a follower and he has proved that to us already.
We need someone who will stand up and take action when needed and know when to be quiet and listen when needed. Mr. Navratil is not that person.

This blog endorses Eugene Paulson for Commissioner #5

Hopefully this will be enough for a dialog to get started here. Any pro's or con's on a candidate? Please enlighten us.
The most important thing is that you get out and VOTE on November 2nd. Of course absentee voting is going on right now.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Roberts County Audit Results

The results of the latest audit of Roberts County are out and it is not pretty.  In a nutshell your county auditor failed to do anything she was elected to do.  She did not keep records, she did not file reports, she did not audit!!
She was too busy impersonating a commissioner to worry about keeping the county books updated.

The report is public record so anyone wanting one just has to call the Legislative Audit at the following number:
          (605)  773-3595
The entire audit can be found below:  Read it and weep
Roberts County 2008 & 2007


Anonymous said...

Wow! and she filed for re-election!
Find someone who will run for auditor office please.
We can't allow this one back in!!
Was there a petition going around to boot her out? I want to sign it!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So will I !!!!!!! Not good reading, I can't beleive she has held that job for so long. Lets flood our commissioners with phone calls and hit the meetings!!! Tell them and her just what we think.

Anonymous said...

And her husband sits at K&K and Billys and blames everyone else sayingb his wife is the scapgoat!!!! Who else is responsable???

caheidelberger said...

Best route: get someone to circulate a petition and run as an Independent. You have until June 8 to file (make photocopies: you need to file with your current county auditor ;-) ).

You can get signatures from any registered voter of any party, as long as that voter has not already signed a petition for another auditor candidate. In Roberts County, you need 43 signatures to run as an Independent (1% of the votes cast for governor in 2006). That's a signature a day, and you're done before Memorial Day. Check the rules, then hop to it!

caheidelberger said...

But remember, you can't run anonymously. If something's worth saying and doing, you've got to put your name to it.

Anonymous said...

Let people know who you are if you get the petition, either to run for auditor or to get the current one thrown out, and people will sign either one of them.

administrator said...

Check out the Madville Times blog:

They mention the recent RC audit and make a point of stating that there is approximately $765,000 that is UNACCOUNTED for.

That is a lot of money to lose, wonder where it is or who has it??


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised ther'e are not more people "talking about the audit on here. Its a mess, all that money not accounted for. I moved out of Roberts Co. due to work but have family and friends there. I agree with the4 lady that said take out a petition,sign your name and go after her. Whats her big mouth husband going to do??? Take away your right to do this?? I don't think so. Good Luck in getting a new auditor. I'd be calling her and raising H----.

Anonymous said...

I see Audit findings finaly hit Sisseton paper, now maybe people will stand up and take action!!!! Retired city finance officer was great, self taught, maybe we should get her for a couple of yrs to straighten this mess out???? Maybe theres another like her out there. Any body could'nt be any worse!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a big story in the Watertown Opinion today about the RC audit.
It points out that RCs budget problems all stem from the RC auditor, citing lack of internal management, lack of reports, lack of doing anything.
Why would she need to "estimate" the budget if she was balancing the books like she was elected to do?
Sounds more like the auditor should be charged with illegal activity rather than be reelected!!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting articule, Auditor is blaming jail overtime for 2008. Who is to blame for 05 and 06 and 07 you were way off on audit then too Miss Dawn? Put the blame where it belongs, right in yourb own lap as we electe3d you to do a job and you are not. It has a lot to do with who used to be Highway super. He was yours,Hulls and other commissioners "boy" and got what he wanted no matter no money!!!! You put us here in this mess now bve a woman and clean it up!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You can read Commissioners meeting notes on on Wed after meeting. The writer does a good job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to above for informing us about this.
Appreciate it!

dartman said...

Now that we have the audit results, know of CC misdealings, covered by the auditor and that there is approx. $765,000. of our tax dollars missing or in some body"s pockets charges could/should be filed against the former CC and auditor who were involved with getting this county in such a mess. Now what are we going to about it? NOTHING! Not one soul in Roberts county is willing to step up and make the commitment to try to straighten out their mess. SAD! But if the same voters vote for the opt out they have only themselves to blame.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I hope some honest person would run for the auditor position. my question is why aren't charges already filed against the auditor or commisioners? Losing that much money and violating several laws, seems that they should be held it up to the state to charge them or not? I have no idea how this will all end up, I have never even seen anything like this mess they put this county in

Anonymous said...

You are so right Dartman, no one will come forward. No one even shows up at meetings and expresses there distain for all the Audit laws broken!!!!! What a shame. I could'nt get off work to go but I called Hull who has been there thru all this and told him just how I and others feel about the mess. Now I want to see 911 and 24/7 money is there!!! Waiting for that report to be in paper or posted.

Anonymous said...

Go to and this weeks commission meeting note are posted as is a interview with Auditor. Now theres a subject for comedy central !!!! Auditor blames it all on to last years problems, forgets that audit hasnt even been posted yet. The ones done were 07,08 and shes just had one bad yr??? Poor,poor excuse for how she has handled money. If commissioners would have a monthly or weekly report on funds and went over then blame it all on them. Untill then she is 3/4 responsable for derelection of her duties. Not criminal but sure is plain stupidity!!!! Oh ye3s she blamed it on overtime in 2008 and now we see it went up in 2009!!!! Can't keep it staight.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone besides me called Auditors office and asked for amounts in 911 and 24/7? One is a state program and the other only for 911 purposes. I got the run around and no numbers!!!! Interesting, public has the right to know!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Roberts county is running a ponzi scheme to me!!

dartman said...

A ponzi scheme or whatever, we have been mis-lead by so many so often that it ain't funny. Our previous elected officials have run the county all the way to the brink of disaster. Now make some changes. Meet once a month, at 5 pm or later, so that people can attend meetings, give the newer elected people a chance to try to correct some of the messes and give them some new people to work with. Find out where the missing funds are and who took them. Quit blaming Long, Owen, Chad and anyone else who walked into the mess. They didn't bankrupt the county. Ask Hull, Voeltz and the others. Then say "NO" to the opt out, an big NO, NO. Let them figure out how a county should be run, within budget

Anonymous said...


I don't think anyone has stole money. More of a rob Peter to pay Paul thing. As for the Opt-out. My feelings are that most feel like this is the comms fault, which it probably is, many have the feelings like 'We told ya so' way of thinking. I'd personally like to see a detailed plan of how the money would be used and for what. With the rural and county roads in such bad shape, I'm not convinced $500,000 will even come close to solving the current situation. I think we need to combine some services and get rid of others, never a popular decision but something that should be done before asking the tax payer to put up more of their hard earned money. If our Comms. Can convince the public that this new $500,000 won't be wasted, and they are willing to do their part, such as NOT taking pay, paying their own health INS, having bi-weekly meetings, having the meetings on the public TV channel. Those would be a BIG plus in the public’s eye's that these guys or gals are serious about getting us back on the right road. Totally off subject here but I'd like to comment of the Sisseton City Council. I've attended 4 meetings, 2 regular and 2 special meetings. I have to take my hat off to Mayor Frank Karst. I was very leery of attending any of these meetings. I have always heard that these meetings are quietly not made for just anyone; it couldn't be further from the truth! I was received warmly by our Mayor! Asked questions, and treated with respect! My own personal opinion on my first experience in these meetings? Everyone should try to attend! NOBODY is going to ask you to leave and not come back! I'd also like to thank John Seber for taking time to come to these meetings and report back to the public. He has a very good website called I'd encourage everyone to check it out. John goes to the meetings on his own time and put's the meetings/info on his website. It’s a very good tool to use to get a real feel for the meetings if you’re unable to attend yourself. He also has interviews with Dawn Sattler that explains some of the money issue's. It's a very good read.

BIG daddy

Anonymous said...

I dont think that $500,000 would be used for anything because it would already be spent to pay off the enormous debt they already have.I wouldnt give them another penny until we change a few members on the commissioners board. We have heard their empty promises before and they have proven time and time again they cant be trusted.Dont let them fool anybody again,vote no on the opt-out.

Anonymous said...

I to have been to Counsel meetings, they are much more accepting of visitors than Commioners I've been there also and some of them act like you are intruding and don't welcome you or your input at all. Alkso very impressive Mayor leads Pledge of Allegance of the Flag before each meeting.

Anonymous said...

I will vote no on opt out. Did you see in report 24/7 had a 0 balance? No way that can be it is used only for supplies which state helps with and 1/2 of receptionists wages for doing them. Its a state program and not to be touched for any thing else. Its under the Attorney Generals off ice and they should be notivied about it. Just like 911 its short and no updates have been made. They play slick with tax payers money. Why give them more to play with!!!!

Anonymous said...

Reads letter to editor, some thruths in it for sure. It would cost us far more to farm our inmates out. But 911 is taken out of our landlines and cell phones plus theres grant money available so that one don't fly with me. Also wheres the promise auditor wont be shuffling funds that shouldnt be again???? They left that little problem out!!!! Wheres 24/7 amount????

Anonymous said...

911 is staying in Roberts Co. A lot of thanks goes to Sheriff Jay, commissioners Zimple and George.

Anonymous said...

As of July 1 24/7 fund is to left alone by Aditor except to transfer 1/2 of salery of gal that is dispencing pbt's,. She cant move it around like she did.

Anonymous said...