County Elections Soon

Upcoming County Elections!!

It seems there is no posting or discussion lately. Nothing to talk about or is it that nobody has anything to say?
With county elections looming in a few weeks it might be good to get some dialog started on the candidates,
who they are, what they are promising and if they are worthy of our votes. At least those where there is a choice.

County Auditor:

Dawn Sattler (D) (incumbent)
Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett (I)

What choice is there here? Dawn has been in office for awhile, long enough to screw things up majorly. Roberts county
was audited several times and the Auditor's office was found lacking every single time. This past audit not only cost the county $50,000
but it was found that a very large sum of county money is missing and the Auditor has not been filing reports, has no idea what her
duties are and obviously is not remoresful over her lack of fulfilling what she is getting paid for.

Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett on the other hand, is a successful business person with good credentials and a good education
who is willing (and clearly able) to take on the auditor position and get things straightened out. She is the one who is
dependable and trustworthy to be handling our tax dollars, not someone who "misplaces money" or fails to file timely reports.

This blog endorses Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett for Roberts County Auditor.

County Commission #1:

Floyd DeCoteau (R)
John Tchida (R)

Both of these are unknowns and even though their positions have been published in the Courier, they are so vague that
one cannot be chosen over the other. It seems to be DeCoteau in the lead slightly.

This blog endorses Floyd DeCoteau for Commissioner #1

County Commission #3:

William Utne (R)
James Crawford (D)
Don Carlson (I)

Mr. Utne didn't fill out a questionnaire. Don Carlson has been interested enough to attend most of the CC meetings since filing for office,
which says a lot. Both Carlson and Crawford gave some good answers in their questionnaires, but were vague on the issues so this one is
a toss-up.

This blog does not endorse any of the 3 candidates for Commissioner #3

County Commission #5:

Eugene Paulson (I)
Chad Ward (D)
Roger Navratil (I) (incumbent)

Mr. Paulson has some very good points in his questionnaire and from flyers found around the county he addresses most of the major issues
thoroughly and has well-laid plans to solve them. He utilizes common sense and everyone knows the current CC does not.

Mr. Ward seems to have dropped off the public route here. No questionnaire filled out so cannot make an assessment on him at this time.

Mr. Navratil is an incumbent and he has shown everyone that he is an extremely poor choice for any elected position. He has no common sense,
no problem-solving skills, little intelligence...but lots of arrogance and mouth. He is a follower and he has proved that to us already.
We need someone who will stand up and take action when needed and know when to be quiet and listen when needed. Mr. Navratil is not that person.

This blog endorses Eugene Paulson for Commissioner #5

Hopefully this will be enough for a dialog to get started here. Any pro's or con's on a candidate? Please enlighten us.
The most important thing is that you get out and VOTE on November 2nd. Of course absentee voting is going on right now.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

2010 County Elections-discussion area

HERE is where your comments go regarding upcoming Roberts county elections-candidates or incumbents.


Anonymous said...

I for one in his district would like to see Horton remain in office. He started out negitive but got it figrued out where the positive commissioners were who work for the Voters(Zimpel and George) and followed suit with them, he has became a good commissioner for the residents. He's not afraid to stand up and speak out to the other 2 and their little clan!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above, Bobby's a good man, he should stay in.

Anonymous said...

Just heard Floyd Dakota is going to run against Hull and Franklin Nelson Padilla, 1.he's a smart man,2 he cares about the people 3. hesw Native and its about time we had one in that office!!! Time for Hull to retire!!! And what on earth could Padilla contribute? Hes ran for every office, he don't know what he wants to be when he grows up!!!!!Plus he has a case in court. Hes appealing his DWI conviction.

dartman said...

There has never been a better time than now to make some drastic changes in RC. CC, past and present, have gotten us into the financial mess we are in at the present time and only some new faces/minds can even hope to straighten it out. Rumors are flying about who might run for these positions and I only hope some will step up and get their petitions in. Think unity in the county can only be achieved by some participation of both NA and non-NA and I know some of both who would do an excellent job and work well with our two new CC. But then maybe I am only dreaming of "UNITY".

Anonymous said...

Every one in Hull's district get out and vote!!!! Call Floyd Dakota sign his petition, great man. Will bring experiance,common sence and numbers smart. What more could we ask for!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree after being at a meeting over a land problem and listening to the 5 men. Horton is out for the residents as are George and Zimpel. No agendas of his own just whats best for the county, I hope every one in his district get out and vote for him as we sure dont want the other guy and have another Hull and Narvatril. Time for new blood in those 2 seats.

dartman said...

After having state auditor here for many days, at a large expense to the county, depending on results of the audit maybe we should be looking for a new RC auditor as well as new CC. She seems to be the controller of way too much now with the CC. Wonder where she got her power? Find a good candidate we voters can support!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree I see where Admin. Posted that she admitted she had not been doing her job. We need some one with book smarts in that area, also a little commen sence would go along way!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If I wanted a moron as a county commissioner, I would certainly vote for Horton. Since I don't I won't vote for someone who has nothing but stupidity coming out of his mouth. I will make sure to encourage the other people of the district not to vote for him either. I for one don't need a cc who has no clue about what goes on in the county, or what it takes to run a jail. Everyone has a right to their opinion of him. All three need to go and if they send all of the 911 calls to Watertown, then all 5 need to go. I really want someone who couldn't manage his own finances and had to go through bankruptcy in charge of the county money! Not! Doesn't look like he suffered any ill effects from the bankruptcy. But, then I suppose I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

And you want the one running against him? At least Horton admitted he was wrong listening to the Chairman and vice chair and saw that Zimpel and George were right. I beleive every one deserves a second chance and hes been backing those 2 good ones for a while now so I will be voting for him if he runs.

Anonymous said...

If 911 goes to Watertown it will not be the fault of George and Zimpel,or Horton they want it here as does the Sheriff. So as I see it from attending the 911 meeting when it all was discussed we will keep it. Please call your commissioners and let thyem know how you feel. We pay every month on it on our land lines and cell phones so we should have some say!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I don't know who is running against Horton. My comments came from past experience with him. I do think that everyone deserves a second chance, but they have to prove they have sincerely changed.From the past experience with him it would take an awful lot for me to believe anything he says. As they say "actions speak louder than words", and I really don't expect to see anything positive from him. Hard for a leopard to change his spots in mid stride and after all, there is an election looming in front of him.

I admit I have not attended a CC meeting in quite some time. This too is because of past experience and the lip service that was provided, when in reality they never intended to listen to what people were saying needed to be done, for instance, how to keep the jail running smoothly as well as ways to keep it bringing in money. We all see how that turned out.

I would suggest that the people who think that this county didn't need the new jail either want to keep their head buried in the sand or are from the Neil Long era. The old jail has been condemned. I don't suppose that would suggest in any way, that it was unsafe for staff as well as the inmates??

I do hope that people do get out and vote, whatever your opinion may be. I certainly hope that voters replace the auditor, and not with someone else who already works at the courthouse. We need new, qualified people in every position that is up for re-election.

Anonymous said...

Above post hits the nail on the head. We do need to replace everyone who is up. And we know they don't listen to the voters but have their own agendas. Get out and vote for new Commissioners in your District thats up and All regitared voters get out and vote for a new AUDITOR!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was sorry to see in last nites Public Opinion that one of the canidates running up north for Roger N,s spot (at least I was told by many he is running) has taken out bankrupsy. He has a well paying job at the Magic(as far as I know hes still there) He had a good job as Jail Administrator and before that at the Tribe. So if he can't manage his money I don't beleive we want or need him in the county mess. We have 2 others that I know are running. Its for you to decide and this is fact read the paper for yourselves. The person who will not be getting my vote because of this is Chad Ward!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well another one running uo north and I know for sure he is. He's my choice as he has went inunder and came back so he is well versed in how to do it. He has what is best foe the county jnhis heart and can not be swayed by the "clan" He will be getting my vote because he says it like it is and stand behind it. That man is Gene Pallson!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow I didn't see that on Chad Ward. He's always had good jobs, where does all his $$ go??? We don't need that headache the county has enough problems!!!

Anonymous said...

if Gene Paulson is running he has my vote. Gene will stand up for what is right and isn't going to give up ,thats exactly what this county needs right now.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, And everyone said Chad was so great at running the jail. Looks like the CC might have been right on this one. When you can't manage your own money how the heck do you run a million dollar jail when the money isn't yours to begin with and keep it in the black? answer, you dont!

Hey Claudia..... He's the finest anywhere, right?

Anonymous said...

Can the previous poster tell us just WHY when Chad was running the jail there were quite a few "paying" inmates and now there are none???
Maybe some people should keep their noses out of others personal lives.

Anonymous said...

I agree with above poster Where did all the Federal inmates and other county juviniles go? Is it possible they went out the door with Vince and Chad?????? Wheres BIA contract? That was in the works and left at the same time they did, If you read about new Pierre Jail they get 20 beds paid for by Feds whether the're full or not so you know they will go there first, smart commissioners out there.

Anonymous said...

I agree with above poster Where did all the Federal inmates and other county juviniles go? Is it possible they went out the door with Vince and Chad?????? Wheres BIA contract? That was in the works and left at the same time they did, If you read about new Pierre Jail they get 20 beds paid for by Feds whether the're full or not so you know they will go there first, smart commissioners out there.

Anonymous said...

If Chad can't manage a checkbook he shouldn't have been running a 7 million dollar jail. But he's a friend of Vince's so most people on this site have to "mindlessly" stick up for him.

Anonymous said...

to poster of 9:13
Seems when Chad was running the jail it had plenty of federal inmates. I would call that good management.
It looks to me that now with no federal inmates the jail (and present management) isn't doing as good a job as Chad did.
Now who are you calling mindless?

Anonymous said...

They didn't hire Chad's position back, they saved $30,000 right there. Told fool yourself the feds didn't bring their people here beacuse of Chad.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why Chad filled bankruptcy??

Anonymous said...

Heard Alvin Quinn took out a petition in his district. Along with Mr Dakota would be great to have 2 Natives on Commission. Who ever you vote for just vote!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Alva Quinn? The biggest poacher,crook and theif that has ever roamed the area. If you want radical goverment, elected this person. Even the Tribe doesn't want him. They'd give him away.

Anonymous said...

On the Chad subject. I worked with Chad while he was with the tribe running a grant program. It did not get re-newed because he didn't do the paperwork right and wasted money. He does not need to be the one in charge of our hard-earned money..

Anonymous said...

Isn't Chad sueing the county?? Kind of a conflict if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Sueing? for what? the county letting him run the jail into the red? This should be reason enough not to vote for a jackss like this. Anyone who gave a shit about the county he lived in wouldn't be trying to take it for every dime it had.

Anonymous said...

Heard rumor today. Let me stress RUMOR. Has Vincent Owen taken out a petion for Sheriff?


Anonymous said...

If he did I hope he plans on paying the tax payers back the $20,000 he took from them before quiting last time!!!

Anonymous said...

That was my next question. How is that going to work?


Anonymous said...

Why would he have to pay back anything? The commissioners were the ones who decided for the betterment of the county to pay him $20,000 for his resignation. $20,000 that I'm sure the county didn't and still don't have. If Vince did take out a petition, that would be classic!

Anonymous said...

For all the big talk and promises, all the whining and dissatisfaction it seems it was all just empty talk about change in RC.
Here is who is listed as being on the upcoming ballot for CC offices this fall:
District #1: Floyd DeCoteau (R)
District #3: James Crawford (D)
William Utne (R)
District #5: Chad Ward (D)
Eugene Paulson (I)
and I almost could NOT believe this but Dawn Sattler is running UNOPPOSED for auditor position!!

It is very very disheartening to see such apathy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on whos running, I agree with you no one running against Dawn!!!! Sad. I'm also surprised there were not more running but maybe they just don't want to take over the MESS. If books are as bad as some say, who would want it?? Maybe she needs to straighten out her own mess!!!

Anonymous said...

Independents have till June, maybe someone will step up to the plate yet for Auditor.

Anonymous said...

Does any one know Floyd DeCoteau? What do you think? He's running in my district and I don't know anything about the man. I do beleive tho anyone will be refreshing after having Hull for so long.

Anonymous said...

Someone really does need to step up o the plate and run against Dawn. Good grief, we realize she has created a load of crap for someone to try and straighten out, but a good qualified person could do wonders. Then again, there might be some suprises in store, not only for Dawn but everyone else as well. At least I hope the people of this county would gather together and get rid of the ones that have left this county in such a mess. It should have been done a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Make some cuts! Orville Folk is NOT working for free as he stated a year ago. We could also save money by NOT allowing him to drive this patrol car back to Milbank, That would save us the county bout $1000 a month in fuel, $12,000 a year.

Anonymous said...

I asked about Folk getting paid now and was told it started when Vince left because of being short handed.He could only work 40 hrs a month as a reserve. The office has been short handed in one way or another.The state okayed his temporary extra hours and to be compensated for the hours. I was told he goes back to non paid status in a couple of months. He lives 5 miles from the county line and was told he gets called out a lot to take care of the south end of the county.Was also told he works any where from 30 to 40 a hrs a week as a partime officer .The sheriff is away at school and the office is still short handed. Nobody in their right mind would want a job as a deputy in this county with everything always in turmoil.We need all the help we can get lets not start throwing stones when we don't have the full story. From what I heard from people he is a good officer and the people like him.And he is just trying to help out.I was also told when there is a problem he is there to help.

Anonymous said...

What kind of a moron would make the kind of statement that suggests we get rid of one of the best officiers in Roberts County. Just shows the stupid mentality of this county. Could be Horton, most likely is but then he isn't smart enough to use a computer.Better yet, must be one of his spys. Maybe you should be talking about the person who does nothing and gets paid for it. Sure could save the county a lot of money there. Maybe you should start laying the blame where it belongs, on the commissioners and the auditor. But that would be too easy, wouldn't i? This county is broke because of them, and no one else!!! How many deputies do you think there are to cover this county? Yeah lets take another good one away. Must be talking with Claudia again!!! Let's see you take your butt out there and start patroling this county for free. I bet that wouldn't happen would it? Auditor and commissioners lie all the time about how broke this county is. Takes a special person to fall for their crap, now doesn't it???

Anonymous said...

The person above knows where Orville lives? 5 miles? Must be Orville talking on here. Weren’t you in the papers talking about how you do it for free, that was misleading. He doesn't do it for free! He also gets a free ride 50 miles one way everyday to work! Tell me who's getting the better deal, Orville or County? Does the state know Orville has been a reserve for about 6 years? And he's being Pd? Probably not! The state spells out the role of a reserve officer. Oh, by the way, how much did Orville save us by smashing up the new patrol car? I believe the original comment was made on saving the county money. Having a deputy have a vehicle in the county is one thing, in another county is another? How much gas is purchased in Milbank? When it should be purchased in Roberts co. So Roberts Co. tax money being spent in Grant Co, great! All the extra gas, mileage, wear n tear on the 100 mile round trip to and from the home that lies 5 miles east of Milbank adds up to a heck of a lot more than it should. Cuts are necessary if we and this is an obvious area that could be cut. Keep Orville! But the car stays in Roberts Co. saving us thousands. Cut one dispatcher and jailer, you just saved $30, 000 or more per person at least with health ins. Roberts Co. doesn't owe anyone a job! If Orville wants to work as a deputy, he should move to this county, and if he does, no problem. He should also be Pd. As it stands, Mr. Folk has a pretty sweet deal, a sweeter deal than deputy's living in Roberts Co. has. I would like to see someone add up the costs of Orville per month and that of other deputy’s. That would be the best way of showing costs.

Anonymous said...

Must be Horton's spy again. He knows nothing and if the person who thinks that would save the county so much money, then they better try for the job. Apparently they know nothing about what it takes to take care of this county. Maybe we should all just stick with the one who does nothing and gets paid for it. Doesn't cost this county anything does it? Like the people who work for the county don't pay taxes. Of course, you know so much about the county and the people that work there. Especially how much it costs to have dispatchers, jailers and deputies. Maybe one day you will be calling for pd officer or deputy to come to your aid. Oh, I'm sorry, there is no one to take your call or to send to help you, because you thought it was so smart to cut the jobs of the people that work for the county. Too bad, so sad. But you saved yourself all sorts of tax dollars, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Of course the county workers pay taxes, they live here! Does Orville live here? No he does NOT. So the answer to your question, is NO. Saying law enforcement isn't coming is like saying the fire dept isn’t coming to put out the house fire. Rest assured, someone is coming, HP, on call deputy, tribal Pd or even city, no call is going to go unanswered, and if you had half a brain you'd know this. And what happens when a call comes in up in Clair City? Orville has to get into his car, race through Grant Co 70 miles to take that call, how is that any better than what you’re saying? I have a feeling whomever gets into the CC position will be taking a real hard look at this, yes it’s sad, but to bad! Money is tight, and this is an area that needs attention, and will get it.

Anonymous said...

If you don't have problems with the county cars being drove out of county. Then you really shouldn't have a problem voting yes on the opt-out

Anonymous said...

Someone coming to help you, really??? Good luck with that. Yes, on call deputy coming,really??? How long do you think it will take him to get there?? Fire Dept.??? Who is going to send them? You just cut the dispatcher. HP, well, he could be clear down by Waertown. But the stupidity here is not worth answering. Cause you just can't argue with stupidity. Isn't it funny how the real issue here is trying to be covered up with just plain stupidity. Must be working for the auditor, the commish or the loyal city following that the commish and auditor have. At least the REAL people of this county know how to stand up for the right things and make concessions for the proper reasons. The REAL people of this county don't have to spout stupidy to try and hide the real issues, nor would they even consider petty people like you worth while.

Anonymous said...

Nice way of dodging the question. What is your difference between the HP coming from Watertown vs. Milbank? Last I check they are about the same distance give or take 5 miles, lol. Cutting one dispatcher is not going to shut down the jail moron. It wasn't that long ago that dispatchers answered all the 911 calls, did all the cell checks, PBT's and dispatched Police to calls. Who's being stupid here? Cutting a dispatcher, one jailer, and having Folk find his own ride to Sisseton would save us anywhere from $90 to 100,000 a year. I'll repeat! Nobody is owed any job in Roberts Co. if cuts need to be done, then so be it! And NO call is ever going un-answered. Some got too used to the Ward factory, which got us into this mess in the first place. Granted the CC is 75% to blame, Chad Ward owns the other 25%by trying to purposely break the county by all the un-necessary hiring. A no mind could figure that out. Now he wants to be a CC? Lord have mercy on us if this bankrupt loser gets in. His chances? Slim to none.

Anonymous said...

You should run for the commish. Same mentality. Probably come from the Long era. Racist too the way it appears.Just can't argue with stupid! Must be worried that a new era is about to unfold.

Anonymous said...

Long era? Seems that during the Long era we didnt have the problems we have now. Racist? funny! the only defence for being stupid is always the race word. Yea, I'm so worried about the new era, lol. The same era who doesn't vote. We always here this same old garbage, we are going to vote people out. Never happens! Your theory souonds like either you are a jail bumb cause you defend NOT making cuts or you are a tribal memeber cause you make the excuse of racism. OR? could it be both?

Anonymous said...

My, petty,jealous, and more stupid comments all rolled into one. Can't argue with stupid. Long era speaks for itself, that is for the people who actually know something. Not a problem for you though.

Anonymous said...

Not a problem. Facts speak for themselves. When N Long was Sheriff he did his job lots of time on his own. He didn't have a small army in the Sheriff's office or Jail. I'll give the dispatchers of Longs era credit; they did a lot with little. Some of the cry baby's of today could learn a lot from some of those gals. Their work ethic was second to none, unlike today when everyone expects more but gets less, as in your case. I sure you've forgotten but our former Sheriff said this county would be broke in less than 5 years! Who was right? This "new" era you speak of? Like it or not, our former Sheriff was right. I also don't think our former Sheriff would even consider letting a so-called volunteer deputy drive a county vehicle out of county on personal travel. Neil might not in your opinion been a good Sheriff, but he was always under budget and only spent when necessary. And being re-elected for 26 years proves my point that you so elegantly disagree with! :)

Anonymous said...

Been watching you two spar here and LMAO

Long era? Do you want to open that box of worms again? Rather call it the apathy era.
Long was so sloppy that he lost a body for decades somewhere in that old jail remember? Can imagine what his "evidence" room looked like.
He was one who gave prisoners wrenches to turn on the showers, he made his daily rounds to local business places gathering and spewing his gossip remember?
You couldn't find him at the jail but you could always find him in Cameron's offices or Dan Chase's business, or maybe at the Abstract offices or the good old Courier. Oh yes, he went around and usually in the county vehicle.
So really does it matter much who drives the county car or where they live? The dedicated one you are running down and tearing apart is worth 100 Longs.

Anonymous said...

WooHoo..the above poster is so right. Not to mention an escape from the old jail. Seems the bars were sawed through with a hacksaw...wonder who made the prisoner check on that one.

Anonymous said...

Lol, Sure, that's why he didn't become Sheriff cause he is soooo dedicated. Long had some issue's but we were never in any financial crisis when he was Sheriff. Long didn't call $20,000 a bribe then weeks later accept the money did he? Long didn't have allegations of sexual harassment from both staff and public did he? Long didn't walk away from his Sheriff position did he? Long didn't leave this county in a financial mess either. Jail isn't suppose to be a fun place, Vince O and Chad W made it out better than most hotels. Long may have been at the places you described, but we all know Chad and Vince were rarely at the Sheriff's office. You also validate my point, yes Long went to those places, but they were all in Roberts Co, and in the city of Sisseton. Not Grant Co.

Anonymous said...

Actually Long WAS somewhat responsible for our current financial mess. He ran the old jail into such a mess that it had to be replaced with the monster that the current CC shoved down our throats.
Long did no upkeep, Long did no sheriffing either. Any time there was a crime in RC Long called in the much do you think that cost over the years?
Long was a slob, is that what you want?
and there were some sexual harassment incidents when he was in charge.
How soon we forget.

Anonymous said...

What about Long's wife? Wasn't she a dispatcher? Seems there some calls he never got sent to. I also think she got benefits the other dispatchers never got as far as retirement and probably other things as well. The only thing Long did was run around with a briefcase full of nothing so people thought he was doing something when he never did. He took the county for plenty of money and the only reason he was ever re-elected is because people were uninformed as to his not ever doing anything. This person doesn't just want to forget, they want to cloud the real issues with auditor, who has done who knows what with the money and the commissioners who went along with it. In other words they only want to trash other people, not put the blame where it really belongs because they know nothing about the officers, dispatchers, jailers or anything else for that matter. Just some ignorant person spouting off. They apparently like the attention it affords them. Their whole 3 minutes of fame.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading the comments some of you have been making about when Neil Long was sheriff and the old jail. I think some of you should go down to the Courier and ask to see some of the archives of the county commissioners reports from old newspapers. I remember reading in them how our sheriff would be at the commissioners meetings week after week asking to get repairs done at the jail on cameras the plumbing and just about everything else you could think of and week after week he got the same old response from the commissioners "no money" "Look for cheaper cameras" "Get a lower bid to fix the plumbing." How soon we forget! I think most people in Robert's county will agree that we needed a new jail but did we really need a $7 million dollar Jail? I think not especially when you look at how it has run our county into the ground financially. I think anyone who had any part in sticking us with this jail and leaving us in this mess and now want to raise our taxes should definitely not be reelected.

Anonymous said...

Pierre says if we want Auditor out beings theres no one running against her we need to get a petition signed by many residents and remove her from office. Shes elected so voters have to remove her. Any one else game to do this or is it just all talk about change in Roberts County?????

Anonymous said...

Heard today Mike Cheetah took out a petition in District one to run against Dakota, He must be running as a Independent.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha...No! Mike's older brother John Tchida.


dartman said...

After reading the auditors report, 3/4 million dollars missing, pockets lined, old buddy-buddy system still in place my only question is why will no one step up and run for office? Much talk, insinuations, pick on Long, Chad, anyone, talk is cheap when you don't sign your name or admit who you are. We need honest people who aren't afraid the stand up and run for any of the open offices, And if you vote for the opt out you are brain dead. They (former CC/Auditor) raped us and we just talked and smiled.

Anonymous said...

You people are kidding right, who would want to run. You people rip everyone up and down. Haven't you looked around lately you can't get people to help with simple volunteer projects let alone run for something. Do I think they could have done things better; yes I do however lining pockets and doing things to intentionally run the county into the ground NO. We need to focus on the meeting time a little more, broaden the spectrum of people that could run, that may have a "real" job or business to run and can't leave every Tuesday.

dartman said...

I couldn't agree more with you on the meeting time. Meet once a month, after 5 pm with a fixed agenda so that the meeting doesn't last all night. Other counties do and it works for them. But I do disagree on the point of the previous CC running the county into the ground. All knew, or should have known, what the cost of building and operating the jail would be. Many of us tried to tell them. But Moen and his friend did a great job of selling the idea and we are stuck with the mess. Vote for the opt-out? NO and I mean NO. Not going to let them blow another 3/4 million with no explanation. When they account for that money just might change my mind.

Anonymous said...

Does any one blog on here that can me something about John Tceetah I dont know how to spell his last name, he's running agaianst Floyd Dakota in the 1st district. I would appeciate it.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about Flyod or John but know we don't need Chad Ward in there!!! Someone needs to step up in that area and be sure that he doesn't get in!! All though he would fit in with the RCC, being he can't balance a check book or manage money.

Anonymous said...

We are getting the 2 worst ones out I beleive, Hull and Narvatral. Zimpel and George are on top of things and Horton is 100% better now than when he first started. Its funny how those first 2 did not want John from provoices in there with his tape recorded to let people know what was going on. I'm sure they are having more "silent Meetings at sale barn now away from public.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about that Claudia, thought you weren't coming on this site anymore???

Anonymous said...

If you read about them having to put over $80,000 back in the road fund you know the opt out will be drawen out for other reasons, auditor has proven thats what she does with their permission. I would vote for it if I thought they could be trusted but its been proven otherwise. I went on Provoices (Thanks for the link Admin.)and it is a great site, thanks to John we now get the real story.

dartman said...

Just an important reminder to all!! June 8 election is just around the corner. Now is the time to talk to your friends and neighbors about the importance of getting out to vote. The opt-out needs to be defeated AGAIN until we get some new CC's who will listen to our concerns and spend our taxes wisely. I URGE YOU to vote and defeat the opt-out again!!!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad you cost us so much money by challenging the jail vote (majority voted for it) Bob. We could have gotten that thing built for a lot less and the county would have more $$ to fix roads.

dartman said...

The ONLY reason, and I repeat the Only reason I filed a law suit was because I knew that the CC's had no real idea what it was going to cost to build and operate the jail. There were numerous cost overruns and changes in construction. I attended the Wilmot info. meeting and heard Moen tell how he would hire a cook and save so much money. So the first thing done was to contract out food service. And that is just one of many errors. And where are all the Fed. prisoners and juvies that were going to help pay to operate the jail? Many of us tried to tell them and got nowhere. So yes, I filed the suit to try to stop most of what has happened.

Anonymous said...

On the election subject. I heard Chad Ward got a DWI. Can't manage money and likes to drink and drive, sounds like a great person to run the county.

Anonymous said...

Bet Kerry cameron dismisses that one....

Anonymous said...

Bet he treats it same as any others under same situation. What was his bac??? That will tell the tale.

Anonymous said...

Heard that Dawn Sattler has some opposition for the upcoming Auditor race.

Someone has turned in a petition and got it accepted and will be on the ballot this fall against Dawn.

Anonymous said...

Like Tchida never got a DUI? Really want that moron as a commissioner. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one.

Anonymous said...

Chad Ward and JOhn Tchida on the RCC what a joke. We aren't that stupid to let that happen...are we????

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Administrator and blind followers!!! You defeated the opt out! What did you actually win? The right to keep your mouth shut when county services get cut and peoples quality of life suffer!

If you have any character at all you will stay quiet when this happens but I am sure that you and your loyal followers will be the first to bitch and complain about "what you are not getting" and feel that you deserve!!!

Show some character and just live with the results of no money at the county level!!!

Again congrats on your WIN!!!

Anonymous said...

I think there were a lot more voters who had a hand in voting this opt out down than the blog admin or those who post here. A LOT more!!
Could it be the voters are sick and tired of lies and wasteful spending by our present CC?
Come fall we will vote those CC out who deserve it and get some in who will hopefully do the job. At that time we can revisit an opt-out, but not before.
Above comment sounds like a disappointed CC to me.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the 'blind followers' would definately have to be those that are loyal to the commissioners and completely ignore the fact that they are the ones that wasted our money and lied to us! I guess the ones that should quit complaining are the ones that lost the opt-out ..twice.Just for the record Brown and Marshall counties also rejected opt-outs. I guess they must also be led astray by some blog administrator !!

Anonymous said...

I was at the courthouse today (not for court :) and I saw Chad Wards car at Kery Cameron's office. Anyone want to take bets that Chad Ward isn't goig to be in the paper for his DWI??? I bet he gets off scott free, anyone one of us would have to go to court, well maybe not with Kerry...

Anonymous said...

I know someone who is friends with JC Crawford and he got out of a DWI too!!! Maybe all you have to do in this county to get out of a DWI is run for office or kiss Kerry's butt!!!

Anonymous said...

Chad was at that Human Services place when I saw his yesterday, what was that about do you suppose???

Anonymous said...

what is this Chad Ward watch?Is he being followed around or what?but then considering the CC he is running against I wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Chad had no problem being in the spotlight when he was harrassing the commissioners as Jail Adminstrator, but now we should feel sorry for him because he is in the spot light because he can't follow the LAW! Big Baby

dartman said...

What is this? Pick on Chad or anyone else handy? In a county with so many problems is that all you can think of to do ? We all know some changes for the better have been made so now is the time to make more and support the new CC's and give them good people to work with. Most people have that skeleton in their closet but that doesn't make them all bad. We have all made mistakes in our lifetimes. So quit the name-calling, etc. and support what we have and do something constructive.

Anonymous said...

Bob if one of the current RCC claimed bankruptcy and got a DWI you would be ALL OVER IT. You wouldn't be making excusses like "we have all made mistakes." Apply that theory to everyone. The RCC built a jail that you told them they couldn't afford, and now they can't. WELL WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!! Work for you on that too Bob?????

Anonymous said...

I think Cameron is dismissing all these violations lately on the CC orders. Sorta like "you won't give us more money then we will trash the roads and turn criminals loose"

As for bankruptcy....remember that Stickland declared bankruptcy and still got seated. In fact he got a relative to buy Deano's back, remember? So he got around the law on that one.

In my book a DWI or a bankruptcy is much less to worry about than a CC who cheats, lies or steals from the taxpayers.

dartman said...

To the first June 11 poster,As I have said before a bankruptcy or DWI is far less important to me then plain old lying. I have tried all my life to treat everyone exactly the same until you give me a reason not to. And lying is probably number 1 on my list of not to respect someone. We have been lied to for the past 10 or so years especially just before the original jail bond issue election and most of us know it and we basically did nothing about it except set in the coffee shop or Legion and complain to each other. Now some changes have been made and just hopefully some others will follow. I am not perfect but I am guessing you aren't either.

Anonymous said...

The CC have NOTHING to do with Kerry letting people go. He did the first time he was in office and he's doing it now. It's too bad to see.

Anonymous said...

Between GEne P, Chad W and Roger N, I have to say Roger N will get my vote.

Anonymous said...

To the above poster: Save your gas. I am voting AGAINST Roger N
He had his chance and proved he is 2 faced and a follower

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Roger N has it in for Kerry after he warned Roger about violating open meeting laws,and since Roger can't run on his record he might as well throw mud at his opponents hoping something will stick.

Anonymous said...

Both Rogers and Hull voted down day and time change for meetings. Zimpel and Horton tried. Roger N. also trashed Kerry before he got there then told him to his face what a great job hes doing, heard it myself was there on drainage. That man is 2 faced. Vote against Narvatri I beg you. Hes 2 faced to us in his district to.

Anonymous said...

Claudia I thought you weren't coming on here anymore. There on a drainage issue??? We're not stupid as you think.

Anonymous said...

Come on people are you serious??? Chad Ward????Give me a break. We have one guy you gets arrested for DWI's, claims bankrupsy, and is now on his secind child out of wed-lock (that may not matter to some of you, but it does to me) and another guy like Gene P who is just plain crazy!!! Roger N is no Saint but he's better than those too!!! (Even if Claudia Boleman doesn't think so.....)

Anonymous said...

Roger N is the worst man for the job and alot more people than Claudia believe that.I think he proved that ANYONE could do this job better than him over the last 4years!

Anonymous said...

to the poster of June 21,12:48pm So what you trying to tell us is that we shouldn't vote for anyone that has a drinking problem,shows blatant dis-reguard for the law, and can't manage money???? hmmm I guess that means you shouldn't vote for Roger Navratil either!

Anonymous said...

No I'm just saying that with ROger, we know what he have, with Chad or Gene it will be even worse, and yes it can get worse!!!

Anonymous said...

yes we know what Roger is alright thats why we are voting against him.

Anonymous said...

Well when Chad is crying that the county is racist again and sueing us all remember you ask for it!!!

Anonymous said...

of course Roger isn't a racist. gimme a break. we have all heard the garbage that comes out of his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Really "you have all heard"???WHo would that be??? Claudia? You can't believe anything that women says.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. We have all heard the garbage coming out of Roger N's mouth. directly from him, not by way of a third party.
Roger N pretty much hung himself with his mouth.
Above poster will be surprised this fall when he finds out that one person is not saying this, it is most voters who think Roger has to go!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if and when the old jail was condemmed? 1 canidate says he would close new one and put inmates back in old one. I thought it was condemmed but can't find any thing on it. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP.

dartman said...

Since there have been no recent activity on this blog thinking most have lost interest, which is a shame but election time is fast approaching and now is the time to start making honest, private decisions on all candidates running. Wish we had a listing here on this blog but only know some of those running deserve our consideration especially Cheryl Rondeau-Basset who has stepped up to the plate to try to straighten out the mess in the Auditors' office. Know she will do her very best, despite the un-solved mess she is inheriti
ng. I am asking for your support, in her behalf.

Anonymous said...

I would probably support her if you didn't bob. Might tell one something about her if she hangs around people like you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Yeah looks like Bob helped get Dawn elected. THANKS BOB!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Auditor getting 60% of votes to get re-elected smacks of crooked election/counted votes when you think about how many voters were upset with her job performance earlier this year.
Remember she was called the 6th commissioner? She was doing so much "commissioning" that she forgot to do any "auditing" remember?
Then she loses all that money and doesn't file any reports for several years remember?
Then she was the one who kept? the books that put the county in the hole remember?
Makes you wonder if she counted the votes for auditor accurately doesn't it. Being it was her position up for grabs I mean.
But that can't be because she ran ads that said she was DEPENDABLE so of course she deserved that office.

It makes a person wonder if their vote really counts and if their vote was counted correctly doesn't it.