County Elections Soon

Upcoming County Elections!!

It seems there is no posting or discussion lately. Nothing to talk about or is it that nobody has anything to say?
With county elections looming in a few weeks it might be good to get some dialog started on the candidates,
who they are, what they are promising and if they are worthy of our votes. At least those where there is a choice.

County Auditor:

Dawn Sattler (D) (incumbent)
Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett (I)

What choice is there here? Dawn has been in office for awhile, long enough to screw things up majorly. Roberts county
was audited several times and the Auditor's office was found lacking every single time. This past audit not only cost the county $50,000
but it was found that a very large sum of county money is missing and the Auditor has not been filing reports, has no idea what her
duties are and obviously is not remoresful over her lack of fulfilling what she is getting paid for.

Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett on the other hand, is a successful business person with good credentials and a good education
who is willing (and clearly able) to take on the auditor position and get things straightened out. She is the one who is
dependable and trustworthy to be handling our tax dollars, not someone who "misplaces money" or fails to file timely reports.

This blog endorses Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett for Roberts County Auditor.

County Commission #1:

Floyd DeCoteau (R)
John Tchida (R)

Both of these are unknowns and even though their positions have been published in the Courier, they are so vague that
one cannot be chosen over the other. It seems to be DeCoteau in the lead slightly.

This blog endorses Floyd DeCoteau for Commissioner #1

County Commission #3:

William Utne (R)
James Crawford (D)
Don Carlson (I)

Mr. Utne didn't fill out a questionnaire. Don Carlson has been interested enough to attend most of the CC meetings since filing for office,
which says a lot. Both Carlson and Crawford gave some good answers in their questionnaires, but were vague on the issues so this one is
a toss-up.

This blog does not endorse any of the 3 candidates for Commissioner #3

County Commission #5:

Eugene Paulson (I)
Chad Ward (D)
Roger Navratil (I) (incumbent)

Mr. Paulson has some very good points in his questionnaire and from flyers found around the county he addresses most of the major issues
thoroughly and has well-laid plans to solve them. He utilizes common sense and everyone knows the current CC does not.

Mr. Ward seems to have dropped off the public route here. No questionnaire filled out so cannot make an assessment on him at this time.

Mr. Navratil is an incumbent and he has shown everyone that he is an extremely poor choice for any elected position. He has no common sense,
no problem-solving skills, little intelligence...but lots of arrogance and mouth. He is a follower and he has proved that to us already.
We need someone who will stand up and take action when needed and know when to be quiet and listen when needed. Mr. Navratil is not that person.

This blog endorses Eugene Paulson for Commissioner #5

Hopefully this will be enough for a dialog to get started here. Any pro's or con's on a candidate? Please enlighten us.
The most important thing is that you get out and VOTE on November 2nd. Of course absentee voting is going on right now.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Welcome to the Sisseton Area Blog!

I have been asked to take over the area blog by the previous blog administrator, but I preferred to start fresh instead. Thus was born this Roberts county community blog. 

This blog will be a Watchdog type blog where you will be kept informed on what your public servants/elected officials are doing or not doing as well as potential mis-doings or coverups.

We will be based on truth, not falsehoods. There will be absolutely
Your comments are welcome, although any comments not conforming to the following rules will be deleted:

No profanity, no smearing or bashing,

You will find topics listed by public office for your comments or topics. There will also be an area for suggestions etc. Please keep it clean.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for starting this and for your rules now maybe we can discuss and report this like aduts without trashing others and just stating facts.

Anonymous said...
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dartman said...

My additional thanks for the job you are trying to do. The people of the county need a place to vent and get some accurate answers without bashing everyone around. Backgrounds, etc. of the administrator are not important only the questions asked and information gathered. Keep up the good work.indsta

Anonymous said...

I though this site was no bashing no false hoods etc. This is the same type of blog that was shut down. You are allowing the same people to come here and smear anothers name for all the read with no identity. This and all other blogs are for Cowards. You people that sit here and bash one another and give your opinions that hurt other jobs, family lives, reputation should be ashamed. Thanks for trying to make our county even worse to live in than it already is.

Anonymous said...

Do you all agree the Native blog is very informitive and up front? Are we so afraid of our "officals" that so many remain in the dont rock the boat mode?? Lets rock the boat and stand up for our county!!!! Attend meetings,speak up, write letters to the Editor if you can't get off work. Send to Sota or Watertown Opinion as Harley won't print it if its against commissioners. He has all letters approved by them or Dawn I'm told.

Anonymous said...

Why cant we have information and positive back and forth talk as they are on the Swoyate blog?? Because people in Roberts co. dont care like they do?? Afraid of the select few who think they are all powerful???Or just to complacent and lazy to do any thing about bettering are co? I know there are people out there who care stand up!!! Come give your ideas how to change. When someone tries to do something positive if they dont belong to the "clan" they are ridiculed and they go after them vindictivly. I for one beleive this Co deserves far better than its getting from the two at the head of the commissioers table. There will be some interesting news breaking soon about the evil that can be tried by the "clan".

Anonymous said...

Why does the above poster allude to warnings without giving specifics I wonder.
If the CC are planning something you can bet it is not something good for all.
Either tell us what is ahead or stop hinting!

Anonymous said...

May we have a place where we can discuss canidates administrator??? Would be geatly appreciated. And as you say no Bashing just post facts about them both pro and con. Thank you

dartman said...

I, for one, would like to be the first to volunteer to help try and squash this second effort at an opt out. The first opt out was defeated by approx. 75% against. Why should the CC spend the money for a second election when they have so many other problems like State Auditors fees, empty jail,etc.???

Anonymous said...

The jails not empty....That's a lie Bob. Read the paper, or have someone read it to you.

dartman said...

I stand corrected. I should have said "paying inmates" such as Fed. or BIA not just regular county people. In my haste to volunteer I didn't get the facts correct. Part of the jail issue was that we would get fed. prisoners and many juveniles the help pay expenses. Working? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Bob. Ask former Sheriff R Moan and his wife Lou Robertson about that. Promises, promises. Promises Mrs Lou Robertson couldnt deliever. I don't blame the CC as much as I do those two. It was those two who fed the CC the crap to get it built. I personaly feel like they should go out and raise Rick's taxes by 100%. Now like it or not, we got a jail we can't pay for. We have to do something. It's always nice to rub people and tell them I told you so, but the bottom line is we're in to deep to let it fail. We can chalk this one up as 'we told ya so" but this jail isn't going to pay for itself. And even if we closed it, "we" will end up paying for it and still have to pay to ship out kids and adults. As much as I hate the idea of paying more taxes, I think we have to do it.

Anonymous said...

To the above poster: Sounds like you are mounting a post-by-post attack on anyone who has a different opinion than you.
The opt out issue-the blame lays with the CC on that. That is EXACTLY why the voters should not allow the opt out to happen. 2 people "talking" the CC into an important decision such as the jail makes my point about the CC being unable to handle the taxpayers hard-earned money.
Some examples of those same CCs waste/unethical/ignorant choices: building an extravagant jail without listening to taxpayers or attempting to work with Natives. spending mega bucks to pave a road that benefitted only one CC. Encouraging county auditor to ignore duties of her office and stick her nose in county business which led to $50,000 audit bill. numerous lawsuits pending/paid dealing with those same CCs biased attitudes. I could go on and on and on because it never ends and they never learn.
We need to vote NO on this latest attempt at shoving thru an opt out vote and we need to vote the 3 ringleaders out of the CC offices.
They won't listen to anyone, why should the taxpayers bail them out yet another time???

Anonymous said...

Not at all. I don't want to pay taxes either. But before we put all the blame on the CC, let's not forget who convinced them about this jail. I have no idea bout the other claims you mention. I have zero problem voting anyone out of office, but I do have a problem with whom we replace them with. It also isn't going to change the fact we have things that need to be paid for.

Anonymous said...

Bob, you had Chad Ward(who is filling bankrupsy) and Vince Owen who thought it wa funny to spend the counties $$$, running the jail. If the people who origianlly planned the jail got to run it you might have had something. You replaced them with idiots so you get to own some of this too. Also your lawsuit held things up for months as the price for building materials went through the roof. Thanks Bob. The majority of voters voted for the jail if you remember.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well you people have had plenty of time to trash me with your lies.Why did'nt you check and see that I pay my payment every month. Or check with my PO. You went and shared time with people just like you and I dont care what any of them or you say. People who know me know what I'm all about the rest dont matter. I dont work for cash,I live on social security and pay my own bills. I just cant figrue out why I'm so important that I'm on the blog all the time!!!!!! My old AA sponser says when you're doing something good theres always the Devils agents snipping at your heels and trying to tear you down. I dont come on here very often as I'm to busy, I'm secetary of the Chuch of Hope for the Womens Prison in Pierre and that takes time, also President of the Civil Rights of the Dakotas so theres plenty to do there with the discrimination in this county. Now I'm facing it myself. Is it because i'm a woman,a recovering alcoholic,a felon or a parollee or all of the above???? We are stll waiting for all the names who have post vile things as they keep poping up and we were surprised at 2 of them that a person of that status in Sisseton would stoop so low. Every one has certain rights even on parolee and discrimination fits us people to especially when they lie!!!! As far as me being involed in this blog, thanks for the confidence but I'm not that commuter litterate. We have 2 people on our board and they are doing the reseach on whos posting lies and slander. One of you are at work what do you think your boss will say when he finds out how you spend your time. I do have many invatations to hold AA meetings at different facilities so yes I can carry on our 12th step in our program. Just sorry Roberts co. inmates wont get the change to learn another way of life because noone else in our Sisseton group will do it. For your info the only ones that have to give permission for a parolee to have AA meetings in a jail are their PO and the Sheriff, Feel proud of yourselfs remember only those with dirt in ther closets throw dirt. I could print alot about a couple of commissioners past and a few others but I refuse to stoop to your and their level. Have a nice day Claudia I sign my name to every thing I write so you can quit saying I wrote some of them. We will post whos writng all this garbage as soon as our board member gets all the names. Discrimination is a big thing in this day and age,and so is slander.Oh buy the way you have someone in Roberts Co that owes over $26,000 why arnt you hollering about that, Thats for court appointed Attoney theres others up in our Auditors off ice that owe way over $5000 why arnt you cocered about your own Co.

dartman said...

Having read the "official" statements in the newspapers concerning the new opt-out proposal my only question now is what is it going to cost each and every property owner ( and their children and grandchildren) per $1.000 evaluation? Another question concerning the state audit. Has anyone heard the results or seen the report? Should be interesting reading.

Anonymous said...

System admin, what't the point of being able to post Anonymos if people like Claudia can go into your blog?? I'm it's her usual BS, but I just saying...

Anonymous said...

i for one do not want to go another winter with out county roads getting cleared or do i want to see layoffs in the county because a few people like Bob get others stirred up about the county screwing everything up. Yes the jail is an expense and no we did not build it to make money you moron. Look around the last few years at the countys that did the opt outs. Things have changed $4.00 gas did not help matters, with the high gas everything else increased in price, you cant tell me you dont see a need for the opt out. I will tell you that our county would be so much better off with out Bob and people like him. As for Claudia, we can not fix what she has done but we dont have to help her creat controversy either. She had her time with VInny, and look where that got him, she had her time with Gary look where that got him, she had her time with Chad and so on and so on, now if if the States Attorney would wake up he could see what is going to bring him down also.

Anonymous said...

How powerful that woman must be to bring so many men down!!! I don't beleive a word of it, altho I do agree with you about opt out.

Anonymous said...

To Poster at 10:50

Your comments are 110% correct! Couldn't have said it better myself. Everyone has finally started seeing Claudia for what she is. Refreshing to see that folks in this county have finally had enough of Claudia circus act.

Anonymous said...

re: poster of 10:50:
you say you don't want to put up with unplowed roads. The roads were not plowed immediately after snowstorms for many years, long before the money problems, long before the expensive jail was built, long before the inept auditor was posing as a 6th commissioner.
County doesn't need more money or higher taxes, what this county needs is some money management...making do with what money is there. RC is sadly lacking in intelligent or frugal decisions. The CC spent our money as if there was no end until the end.
What RC needs is 3 new CCs elected so there can be some realistic choices made in those commissioner meetings that reflect what the taxpayers can afford and what the county really needs.
Do away with all the drama and gossip that goes on in the CC room and also at Cameron's office. As a SA he should not be discussing county business with anyone who is not personally or directly involved in and that needs to be dealt with or he needs to be replaced.
Unless I see proof that the CC have exhausted every avenue in their attempts to lower the budget I plan to vote NO on this opt out vote.
Remember they kept it a secret that RC was broke for more than 2 years before telling the voters, 2 years while they tidied up their books and washed their hands. They misled you on the jail costs remember that.
Vote yes to give them more money so they can all have a county-paid tar road out of your checkbook while you drive on gravel ruts.

dartman said...

Had really hoped to see info on who filed to run for CC and what the $300,00 was going to cost per $1,000. valuation. Would someone get the info and add to this post, PLEASE!!!

Anonymous said...

Below is my post from the election discussion area:

For all the big talk and promises, all the whining and dissatisfaction it seems it was all just empty talk about change in RC.
Here is who is listed as being on the upcoming ballot for CC offices this fall:
District #1: Floyd DeCoteau (R)
District #3: James Crawford (D)
William Utne (R)
District #5: Chad Ward (D)
Eugene Paulson (I)
and I almost could NOT believe this but Dawn Sattler is running UNOPPOSED for auditor position!!

It is very very disheartening to see such apathy.

It was pointed out that the deadline for Independents filing for office is not until June so maybe there is still hope?

dartman said...

After visiting with several people who might have become candidates basically the same answer was given by each of them and that was "Who would want to step into that mess" and try to straighten it out. Especially the auditors office. Our only hope is that some independents will step up and decide to finally get something positive done.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where to put this but for everyones info, Pamida only does ads within 50 miles which Walmart in Watertown is 53. But Alco honors all other ads from Watertown. I took in a Walmart one and a Menards one and Manager honored both. Alco gets all my busines now but prescriptions and I do like Larry Becker!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me what happened that the Native Gift Shop closed??? Would appreciate it. I bought jewelry for gifts. Thank you

dartman said...

Just a reminder!! June 8 is fast approaching and now is the time to talk to friends and neighbors about the importance of getting out to vote. We need to send a message that the opt-out will NOT pass until we get some new CC's who will listen to our concerns and spend our tax dollars wisely. Now is NOT the time. Vote "NO" on the opt out and vote for new faces/names. Then get them to change to a once a month meeting, with an agenda, after 5 pm so that working people can attend and voice their concerns. PLEASE get out and vote.

dartman said...

My sincere Thanks for finally telling it like it is. The facts speak for themselves. It seems at times that only y ou and I are the only ones who recognize the counties financial problems and the true causes of this mess. THANK YOU for your latest comments.

Anonymous said...

Does any know the lady who put in to run against Dawn??? Please fill me in. Also Roger N.took out and returned his petition at last minute. He's a d--- fool!! If he thinks hes getting my vote.

dartman said...

The lady is Cheryl Rondeau-Basset. And I applaud her for stepping up to the challenge of straightening out the mess in the Auditor's office and hope all
of us will support her in her effort in winning the election.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first statement. Roger N is a FOOL!

dartman said...

So very sad to see this blog stop. No new statements/questions since March and nothing happening here. I feel there are many events happening in this area that should/could be discussed but nothing here. Another sell-out, threat, etc ?? Who knows but so very sad to see it shut down,

Rick said...

Sell out or threat? No one is making comments, but I don't see how they all could have been threatened or bought out. I think it is the constant bashing that turns people away. It is very seldom that you see anyone saying "I disagree". Instead it is name calling for anyone with a different viewpoint. I have lived my whole life in Roberts County and I can't name one single person here who is completely bad. But to read this blog you would think Satan and all of his followers reside right here among us. If people were as civil on this blog as they are face to face I think this blog would thrive.

dartman said...

I totally agree with you on the constant, negative bashing that is so often found here. But then it is easy when you are "anonymous" and that is what most have chosen to do that way they can hide and make rude comments. Cowards way out for most. Do hope it can/will improve, My best to you Rick for standing up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if it wasn't set up to start bashing matches, it would help. My favorite is "RC Courthouse Employees". I don't think that was set up for courthouse employees to discuss their day. The title suggests it's set up to talk trash about the courthouse employees.

Why aren't there titles like "upcoming family activities in the area" or "local tourism"...something to benefit the area.

If all people want to do is rant and talk smack on a website, thats what Facebook and Twitter are for...

Seriously, if anyone (anywhere!) is curious about Roberts County,this is what they are going to find.They sure aren't going to be impressed with the local population.