It seems there is no posting or discussion lately. Nothing to talk about or is it that nobody has anything to say?With county elections looming in a few weeks it might be good to get some dialog started on the candidates,
who they are, what they are promising and if they are worthy of our votes. At least those where there is a choice.
County Auditor:
Dawn Sattler (D) (incumbent)
Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett (I)
What choice is there here? Dawn has been in office for awhile, long enough to screw things up majorly. Roberts county
was audited several times and the Auditor's office was found lacking every single time. This past audit not only cost the county $50,000
but it was found that a very large sum of county money is missing and the Auditor has not been filing reports, has no idea what her
duties are and obviously is not remoresful over her lack of fulfilling what she is getting paid for.
Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett on the other hand, is a successful business person with good credentials and a good education
who is willing (and clearly able) to take on the auditor position and get things straightened out. She is the one who is
dependable and trustworthy to be handling our tax dollars, not someone who "misplaces money" or fails to file timely reports.
This blog endorses Cheryl Rondeau-Bassett for Roberts County Auditor.
County Commission #1:
Floyd DeCoteau (R)
John Tchida (R)
Both of these are unknowns and even though their positions have been published in the Courier, they are so vague that
one cannot be chosen over the other. It seems to be DeCoteau in the lead slightly.
This blog endorses Floyd DeCoteau for Commissioner #1
County Commission #3:
William Utne (R)
James Crawford (D)
Don Carlson (I)
Mr. Utne didn't fill out a questionnaire. Don Carlson has been interested enough to attend most of the CC meetings since filing for office,
which says a lot. Both Carlson and Crawford gave some good answers in their questionnaires, but were vague on the issues so this one is
a toss-up.
This blog does not endorse any of the 3 candidates for Commissioner #3
County Commission #5:
Eugene Paulson (I)
Chad Ward (D)
Roger Navratil (I) (incumbent)
Mr. Paulson has some very good points in his questionnaire and from flyers found around the county he addresses most of the major issues
thoroughly and has well-laid plans to solve them. He utilizes common sense and everyone knows the current CC does not.
Mr. Ward seems to have dropped off the public route here. No questionnaire filled out so cannot make an assessment on him at this time.
Mr. Navratil is an incumbent and he has shown everyone that he is an extremely poor choice for any elected position. He has no common sense,
no problem-solving skills, little intelligence...but lots of arrogance and mouth. He is a follower and he has proved that to us already.
We need someone who will stand up and take action when needed and know when to be quiet and listen when needed. Mr. Navratil is not that person.
This blog endorses Eugene Paulson for Commissioner #5
Hopefully this will be enough for a dialog to get started here. Any pro's or con's on a candidate? Please enlighten us.
The most important thing is that you get out and VOTE on November 2nd. Of course absentee voting is going on right now.
Kerry Cameron is the best!!! He is fair and treats everyone the same. Not like the last one that went after natives with much stiffer sentences than white.
Public Defender for Franklin Padilla Nelson has racked up a total in access of $16,000 for a DWI and he's appealing the guilty verdict plus defending him on a selling to under age (2 counts) have no idea how much more that and appeals will be. Waste of taxpayers money. There should be a cap put on it if legal and commissioners should screen more carfully who they hire. Theres another one who sucks it for all she can get. I think they should be eliminated from list of lawyers who will be Public Defenders, What are so of you other taxpayers ideas on this subject?
There should be set limits depending on the charges and the fees couldn't go over that amount.
How could a simply DWI get up that high?
How about just getting our S-A do his job? Seems that might be the first order of business.
Defendent has the right to continuances many of them a simple DWI can be drug out for 2 to 3 years motions can go on an on. Then there is the appeals. Every phone call or visit defendent makes to Public defenders office is a charge. SA can offer a plea which he did in this case but defendent or attorney do not have to take. Some public Defenders want a trial and refuse deals cause thats where they make the money keep dragging it out to trial. SA can do nothing. Defendents right. Judge can do nothing. Commissioners need to set a low amount per hour to public defenders I think (if its legal) then that would weed the greedy ones out. By being i9n court and observing theres only a couple that drag out everything to trial. Rest want the best deal for their client. Just go for a couple of court days and you will know in a hurry whos money hungry and drags it out.
You can get all public defenders costs from Auditors office. Then you can see who drags out cases that could be settled easily and not a huge cost to taxpayers.
We were talking over coffee and remembered when the commissioners put money in the budget for an assissant States Att. for their pet Kay. When Cameron beat her out then there was no money for one!!! Go figure! Also Poor Kay had a investagator (for 2 weeks) so they could keep another one of their boys around till he got Cheif of Police and we all know how that is. This is not bashing just some facts from back a couple of years and a yr ago. Also Auditors Husband says county is not short of money and shes tired of rumor its broke!!!! What does she know shes not telling the commissioners as they say countys broke???? How2 can we beleive anything that comes out of that office or room????
Kerry doesn't need help go up to his office someday. Gary Sheldon is there 5 hours a week, Cluadia 2 hours a week and Neil about 2 hours a week. Plus Doug Karst is over there for coffee all the time too. Kerry's is lazy and wants a Deputy so his daughter Erin can get a job. That's the FACTS.
Have you guys noticed how small the court report is in the paper these days??? I hear Kerry dismisses about everything. I have 2 friends that got arrested for DWI and they just went to Kerry's office and he let them off!!! Does he really need more help dismissing cases? Should we have to pay him for doing that??
Well you all don't appreciate a States Attorney that gives people a 2nd chance or saves county money bwhen he can??? A few of us will be talking to him and the Judges about prosicuting every one to the fullest extent of the law. Some of you would gripe if you wetre hung with a new rope. Kay spent money like water you were not happy. Cameron saves money you are not happy. I for one want him just like he is. FAIR!!!!! But we will ask him to plug up courts and prove to one and all. Just be fair and treat Natives like Whites. You grip about Claudia she is President of The Civil Rights of the Dakotas, any idea how many complaints of violaions valid or not in this county??? I'm sure you don't!!!! He is statews Attorney for the whole county not a select few!!!
Well,well critics of the States Attorney think they know him!!! I have never blogged before but decided to add some facts to this "conversation". Do you know Mr Cameron?? I think not or you would'nt be saying he does'nt put in his time. I've known this man since young years and he's never been lazy at what ever he did. Do you know how many evenings into the nite he spends at SA office?? How many weekends he spends there??? Of course you don't, you are one of the people (of to many)in our great county that only looks for something bad to say.You to have some good somewhere. Don't you want people to see that rather than your pettiness??? God made us all then we are responsable for what we become and how we treat people. Because Kerry sees good in everyone along with the bad and gives those that deserve it a 2nd chance is part of what makes him a great SA.
You can sure tell the miserable little group are at it. Kay,Archer, and their crew. I'm glad Claudia likes me (I'm a well respected business owner) and I know her. She must be a mighty powerful lady to bring one man(Vince) down. If I remember right Vince resigned not the other way and went on to bigger and better things than putting up with you few jealous ingrats!!!!!And for your info she works for Dr P taking care of her home and son.
Aministrator, You say no bashing, well there is no reason why they should be able to bash a senior citizen who has done nothing but good for alcoholics and drug users. I am sober today and with my family because Ms Claudia takes time every week to have a AA meeting in the jail. Because of her I'm sober, working and not in prison. Oh shes used to these small people and just keeps carring the message to Alcohlic as she says "you cant keep it unless you give it away" meaning sobiety and she sure does. She will go where ever someone calls to help them get sober. I and many other Roberts County inmates are gratful to her. I have my life back because she beleived in me.We need more people like her not ones bashing her. By the way I'm native. She helps all.
My relitive sent me this site cause I was in AA with Claudia at the old jail. Wow shes still doing it. God Bless her she saved my life I now hold a good job have a new baby neat wife and home. I attend AA 3 times weekly if possible. If you see her tell hello and give her a hug from :Mutt: as she called me. Those in jail have a great lady that really cares about them if no one else does. She dont care who or what you are. Shes one of the Lords Angels for sure!!!!!!!
Dr son was a juvinile possably some jail employees are talking when its coinfidentual and no this is not Claudia but one of DR Petersons friends at the clinic which she has many and yes were friends of Claudia too. People better be carful what there saying.
Petty people like you make me sick,clean your vown back doorstep. People that say things like you do about a neat lady have full dirty closets for sure!!!!
Nope I don't work at the jail. I have a son in his grade. He tells my son all this time that he wishes Claudia would just leave the house to him and his mother and go live with her family. It's pretty sad, I'm told he is a really nice kid.
Well thats a interesting post. He calls her Grandma, I'm home sick today but I spend alot of time at his house. He and "Grandma" get along fine. She is very good to him and to us friends that go there.
Can anyone tell me why Claudia is at Kerry cameron's office all this time??? I work across the street and I think she is there almost everyday..
I saw in the paper he asked for $$ for a deputy state's attorney. Maybe he should take his "claudia time" and do the job.
Claudia at Kerry's office cause she can no longer hang out at Jail. She has an addiction to LE, she has to feel like she's in the loop. Some people are hooked on dope, but are dear Claudia is hooked on power and the feeling of being needed.
Do you dumb people realize there is a DOC office bup stairs in that building??? Also I must be darn important that you watch me \all the time, maybe you at the court house should be working we already know who you are. . Read my other posts as I wont be posting again cause we are going to release names of all who has been slandering me after we decide what else to due remember yahoo posters got sued for this very reason. Claudia
And As President of the Civil Rights of the Dakotas I have business with the States Attorneys office and go eary in moerning before his day for county starts being you are all so interestedb in what I do and where I'm at! Claudia
Did you have business there when Kay N was States Attorney? You are making yourself look more foolish if that's even possible? Kerry, I voted and supported you! What the hell happened? Why on earth would you asscociate yourself with Claudia?
Claudia, please don't ring up the Yahoo stuff, you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Claudia you might as well save your breath. You cant debate stupid and people posting on this blog are experts at that. rest assured you got a lot of backing. Keep going to those Commiss meetings and sending notes to Pierre so papers cant pick it up and keep public in formed. We have a right to know. Its our tax money they are wasting, Any one know what happens when the county can no longer pay any employees or other committments? Who takes over?????
No one takes over. It will still be a County government, it will just have less services and less employees. We are already seeing less road maintenance. If the County doesn't have money other departments could be affected.
The county needs somebody to take over the finances! The CC have proven they don't know how to handle our money. Why on earth would we give them another chance when they have had more than enough chances already?
Vote to allow the opt out and it is guaranteed the overspending and flagrant disregard for our needs will once again be ignored by those CCs.
We need to get them voted out of office and get new leaders before giving them our checkbooks.
This opt out vote should not be on the ballot at the same time their jobs are up for renewal. We need to make sure there is new leadership BEFORE we vote on the opt out issue.
So I am voting NO on the opt out in June. Are you with me??
yeah I'm with you, as I see it we could vote yes on the opt out and give this current administration more money or we could just flush our hard earned money down the toilet! maybe flushing it down would be better , at least we would know where it went
I'm with you and telling all I talk to to read yours and others post on opt out. We sure don't need to give them more money to throw away. We all need to get out and vote!!!!!
Did anyone notice all the cases that are getting dismissed in the paper this week. What's Cameron's problem??? It looks like being a criminal in Roberts County is pretty easy thses days.
Maybe doing community service which helps the county is a better alternitive than jail which costs money and the county is broke!!!! %4 inmates all Roberts co. Now thats a lot of costs to taxpayers, yet if we did'nt have our own jail it would be much higher transporting them around and paying$85 to $125 a day depending where we had to take them. Commissioners \way back should have worked with Tribe to have a duel jail. The one still there who didnt want to work with Tribe is Hull. That was a shame. We wouldnt be in this mess if we didnt have some racist on our boards!!!!
Meant to say there was 52 inmates as of last week
It is disgusting what our county/city is coming to. Cameron wont prosecute anyone. Just wait til one of the drunk drivers that the officers had caught drunk driving sadly kill somebody because he put them back out on the road with just a slap on the wrist. Or people selling prescription narcotics and illegal drugs face it folks 1 of our kids are going to die from this crap. But like someone once said, It is good business being a criminal in Sisseton. Sorry goes out of the officers who put their lives in danger, Just to have Cameron say it's okay you can do that in Roberts County, We will dismiss the case. AMAZING, Isn't it! If you are going to drink, please dont drive then there will be nothing to worry about. Drunk drivers kill! Kerry, please prosecute to the max. It could be someone from your family that may get injured or killed at the hand of that drunk driver u let go.
I work with a guy who got caught with Meth. Cameron let him go!!! He didn't even have to go to court or do anything else. Of course he now thinks Kerry is the greatest guys in the world!! What a shame, people should be held accountable for when they committ big crimes like that. Seems like Cameron is just interested in kissing the butts of the criminals and not protecting the citizens....
just because someone is charged with a crime does not mean they can prosecute them and get a conviction!cases are dismissed all the time because of insufficient evidence or lack of following procedure. It makes absolutelty no sense to prosecute a crime if they know that there will not be a conviction. Seems to me we had a states attorney before that wasted a lot of time and money pursuing losing cases.
I so agree with above poster, at least we have one now that knows whether cases are winnable or not. He does not spend money as last one did. Now shes doing it as a defrnce Att. call and ask how much she gets from co. per month. Theres a couple of them who milk it for all its worth,
Chad Ward got arrested for a DWI. Anyone want to bet how quick Kerry dismisses that one??
Yeah, I'm sure he's one of Kerry's "buddies" and gets out of it.
Dont think he'll dismiss, think it will depend on Wards bac as to what will happen as with all others. 1st DWI is 60 days which the judge suspends,$350 fine,pay for blood test and loose licence for 45 or 60 days not sure which.With work release permit.
BS. Kerry doesn't have the balls to make Chad actually go through court on this one. Wait and see, it will go away...
Chad was up at Kerry's office today, I bet it is all ready dismissed.
Chad was bragging to one of his friends "I just went in and "shmoozed" Kerry and he let me out of it." It has been dismissed according to Chad.
I heard Kerry let the guy go that broke into Mike and Kristi Tchida's house!! How pathetic!! Criminals sure have their man in Kerry Cameron..
that's for sure. It's too bad to see he's doing that.
Work with a guy who had a DWI 2 weeks ago, went to court yesterday, now he has no DWI. How pathetic!!!
Nice bunch or dismissal's in this weeks paper. Glad Cameron is working so hard for his $60,000 a year.
Now I heard one of the guys who beat a kid with a bat (it was in the Watertown PO) was in court and Cameron has all ready agreed to give him probation!!! You should go to prison for beating someone with a bat!!! If you agree you should be up there when it happens and voice your opinion. It is set for 9/2/2010 at 9:30am, it's Chase Renville. I checked with the clerks and they told me when this was but it can change, I will keep an eye on it.
Wow. I bet the Hill family is pissed!!! And they should be.
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